signing the registry. Judy wants a record who have attended the Opera
House. |
what club members do best dishing up the food. |

Opera House - Restored to historical standards after
being walled up from 1918 till 2000 when Judy discovered it existed as
part of the Mill.

Club members - left Mark & Susan Tuite, Rich & Eleanor
Lowden, Jodi & Nick Garuccio, Randy Shellhammer
& Joe Zimliki
Members -left Beth, Bob Snyder, Judy & John Dobson, Bill & Joan Stenger &
Bill Sauders |
subchapter club members Cathy & Robert Thieme |
of the Phantom of The Rockwood Opera, play written for the Rockwood
Opera house. |
Photo - In front of the Rockwood Mill which is on the Pa National
Historic Registry |
Pletcher, owner of Rockwood Mill shoppes & Opera House, with John & Judy
Dobson |
 Joe Z
hamming it up with Cathy. LOVE THOSE SUSPENDERS JOE |